Idrogo = Integrity, Ideas, Innovation
Other candidates clueless on what makes a World Class district!
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday 10 April 2017 - - - SAN ANTONIO / PARIS, FRANCE -- Friday, April 7, 2017 President Francois Hollande 55, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré 75008 Paris, France Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve Hôtel de Matignon 57, rue de Varenne 75007 Paris, France Johann-Dietrich Woerner, Director General, European Space Agency ESA HQ Mario-Nikis 8-10 rue Mario Nikis 75738 Paris Cedex 15, France Texas Governor Gregg Abbott Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428 Director, Texas – European Union Chamber of Commerce 5800 Manor Road Austin, Texas 78723 Elon Musk, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) 12259 Crenshaw Boulevard Hawthorne, CA 90250 Jeff Bezos, Director, Blue Origin & New Shepard space corporations 21218 76th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Son Excellence le Président François Hollande et les Honorables Messieurs, Étant donné que la population locale a envahi et a tenté de prendre en charge le site de lancement du Centre spatial guyanais en Guyane française, en Amérique du Sud; Une suggestion est faite pour déplacer le site de lancement spatial de l'Agence spatiale française / européenne vers l'emplacement le plus sécurisé du Texas. Le site de lancement peut se déplacer vers la côte sud du Texas; Ou à l'ouest du Texas; Ou ailleurs le long de la côte du Texas. Le siège de la NASA est situé à Houston, au Texas; Fournissant une grande quantité d'industries aérospatiales; compétence; Et les ressources. Le Texas est l'une des colonies nord-américaines originales de la France; Et le Texas a tenu et sera pour toujours tenir avec honneur le drapeau français comme l'un des SIX DRAPEAUX DE TEXAS. Il y a des ports de mer le long de la côte du Texas à: Brownsville, McAllen, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Houston et Beaumont. D'autres nouvelles entreprises spatiales localisent leurs sites de lancement au Texas. Le Texas seul a une économie forte qui est plus grande que celle d'un certain nombre de nations européennes individuelles. Pour un succès continu, suggérons fortement de déplacer le site de lancement spatial français / européen de l'Agence spatiale vers le Texas. His Excellency President Francois Hollande and Honorable Messrs., Due to the fact that local population invaded and attempted to take over the Guiana Space Center launch site in French Guiana, South America; suggestion is made to relocate the French/European Space Agency space launch site to the most secure location in Texas. The launch site can relocate to the south Texas coast; or to west Texas; or elsewhere along the Texas coast. The NASA headquarters are located in Houston, Texas; providing a wealth of aerospace industries; expertise; and resources. Texas is one of the original North American colonies of France; and Texas has held and will forever hold with honor the French flag as one of the SIX FLAGS OF TEXAS. There are seaports along the Texas coast at: Brownsville, McAllen, Corpus Christi, Victoria, Houston, and Beaumont. Other new space companies are locating their launch sites to Texas. Texas alone has a strong economy which is larger than that of a number of individual European nations. For continuing success, strongly suggest to relocate the French/European Space Agency space launch site to Texas. Very Respectfully, Michael Idrogo decorated U.S. Navy commander veteran of foreign wars (have resided in Paris and Europe) - - - Agenda to build District 35 & San Antonio into an Economic Powerhouse!! .. vote Michael Idrogo! commissioned officer of the United States, 1983. deputized by a Federal Judge, 1989. also worked with Carabinieri in Italy (Italian version of F.B.I.) Primary duties: leadership & management; collateral duties: flying aircraft, giving commands on bridge aboard for “driving the aircraft carrier” (super high tech war wagon; we take the war to the enemy on the other side of the world; traffic & targets of opportunity on the sea, undersea, in the air, in outer space; in combat zones within or anywhere in the world and/or on other side of the world via satellite, direct assets of the Oval Office, White House, Commander-in-chief; communications with the White House; “drove” aircraft carriers across Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Suez Canal, Indian Ocean, [carriers are 3 times length of Alamodome.. prime piece of real estate located anywhere anytime!]; etc.; etc.; etc.); satellite telecommunications; military drones; laser weapons; intel collection, analysis, storage, destruction; nuclear, biological, chemical threats/terrorism collection, analysis; intel briefs to senior commanders/NATO headquarters/multinational commanders/White House; intel briefs to S.E.A.L. teams; target selections; every shipboard crewmember=firefighter; direct support to combat zone ground forces; anti-terrorism; 18-hour workdays/7 days a week; aircraft carrier onboard TV & radio stations.. TV productions/ radio productions; areas of responsibility: squadron, task force, regional, continental, global, outer space; Yugoslavia war combat (was spinning out of control into World War 3; figured out how to stop Milosevic's military and air forces) tours of duty; intel to White House and in combat zone expeditionary re-landing of U.S. Marines after Army Black Hawk Down incident; Southwest Asia; intel to White House for TWA 847 hijacking; global assignments (from one hot spot to another); numerous medals/service awards; etc.; etc. First flew an airplane at age 16; graduated early from high school to go on to University/U.S. Navy Officer commissioning. Commissioned Officer of the United States by Honorable President Reagan, 1983. Deputized by a Federal Judge, 1989. - 30 - |
So what does that mean?? MORE EXPERIENCE with how to deal with innovative methods and policies.. Michael's philosophy is that we can make our world better than what we found it. For example, our new parking meters downtown.. Michael first saw them in Italy in 1996 and he asked the company (in London) that makes them to bring them to San Antonio; no more digging for coins; pay by credit card if you wish.. and you can pay additional to your parking at the nearest meter.. so you don't have to run all the way back to your car! The new city garbage truck system; Michael first saw those in Paris in 1990.. he also asked that company to bring those to San Antonio. INNOVATIONS. IMPROVEMENTS. QUALITY! Michael has many more innovations to provide!! Help elect Michael to office! |
MORE EXPERIENCE with how to deal with innovative methods and policies.. Michael's philosophy is that we can make our world better than what we found it. For example, our new parking meters downtown.. Michael first saw them in Italy in 1996 and he asked the company (in London) that makes them to bring them to San Antonio; no more digging for coins; pay by credit card if you wish.. and you can pay additional to your parking at the nearest meter.. so you don't have to run all the way back to your car! The new city garbage truck system; Michael first saw those in Paris in 1990.. he also asked that company to bring those to San Antonio. INNOVATIONS. IMPROVEMENTS. QUALITY! Michael has many more innovations to provide!! Michael has better ideas! Help elect Michael to office! |
Once upon a time in America.. there was a third party candidate running for office. And the people voted for him because they believed in what he stood for. So in 1860, then third party candidate Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. I'm Michael Idrogo.. I'm running as the LIBERTARIAN candidate for U.S. Congress, District 35 (formerly Charlie Gonzalez's district). So when anyone tells you you're wasting your vote on a third party candidate.. remind them it was those "wasted third party votes" that elected perhaps our greatest president ever (who worked to hold our nation together while it fell apart during the Civil War between the states) Abe Lincoln. By the way, I also believe that old Abe and I have something else in common, "We're both HONEST!" VOTE MICHAEL IDROGO (LIB) FOR U.S. CONGRESS DIST 35 |
The most amazing thing about Congress.. is 'THE UNCARING, BLATANT TYRANNY'! "How dare anyone run against them!", they think! They consider themselves elected "for life!" CONGRESS is the chief blame for the weakness of the United States! No one single member in CONGRESS takes responsibility for anything! Worst of all.. they think of themselves as a monarchy.. they want you to keep them in office for life! In the past four decades many businesses (and jobs) have fled the District! CONGRESS doesn't care about you! They think of you as 'mere slaves', subject to their dictates. CONGRESS dictates, while you slave your life away! Break up the tyranny! Let CONGRESS know that you are in charge! It's past due TIME for a change! Vote Mike for U.S. House! U.S. House 35 Navy commander veteran - Veteran of Foreign Wars Mike is already trying to bring cheaper electricity to the area! (Utilities trying to block.) |
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Associated Press / Ipsos Poll: ANTI-incumbent sentiment widespread in U.S. "Only 29 percent of the public approve of the job Congress is doing." CNN Poll: 55 percent of Americans are most likely to vote for the challenger in any election this fall. ABC Poll: 53 percent of Americans call themselves "ANTI-incumbent." The Harris Poll: "How do you rate the job Democrats in Congress are doing: excellent, pretty good, only fair, or poor?" fair to POOR 70 % |
Congressman paying ex-mistress about $500K
Local Federal Judge beats up on prostitutes until they're almost dead..
Border Security Cameras |
Your Tax Dollars At Work: Giant Mosquito Edition |
Yet another example of your tax dollars at work. This time, it's $60 million to build a Taj Majal-like visitors center for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta:
No word yet from the CDC or Congress about how they plan to control the spread of the deadly "overspendingitis" virus that started in Washington and is now afflicting taxpayers from coast to coast. |
(c) Copyright Wall Street Journal. (c) Copyright Americans for Prosperity. For Voter Education ONLY. |
![]() FRI 14 JUL 06 - A missile hit the Israeli Navy ship SA'AR V (and almost sank it) ; it is readily apparent that Iranians are in Lebanon among Hezbollah; Iranians operate and launch these missiles. Similarly, Iranian mujahadeen were allowed by the Clinton administration to enter Bosnia during the Yugoslavian conflict.. while that administration "looked the other way"; Iranian mujahadeen are still in Bosnia (Europe). [ You can thank non-naval nor military experienced politicians, like the incumbent, at work for you.. way in over their heads! They don't know what to do! ] |
POLITICIAN'S CORRUPTION EXPOSED Saturday 15 April 2006, San Antonio Express-News This week's "Peddling influence" series, exposing the corruption of politicians and the ability of lobbyists to buy them, confirms my belief in strict term limits. I plan to vote against every incumbent. The replacements may not be better. However, it is unlikely they will be any worse, and at least it won't be the same old faces. The current group, from Austin to Washington, has demonstrated their ineptness and desire to profit personally from their office (Duke Cunningham is only one example). When the public finally gets fed up and votes these hacks out of office, things are bound to be better. Until then, the country will be controlled by the highest bidder. Their self-serving statements that their votes connot be bought do not square with the facts. --- Lanny Riggs |
It appears a number of persons involved (in the Bexar County Kangaroo Courts) may be involved in the alleged theft of over 5000 Southwest Airlines tickets valued at over $2 million. (Republicans and Democrats): former judge and current D.A. Susan Reed (who should be upholding the law instead of breaking it) [and by the mere fact of "appearance" of violation of law while serving as D.A. should take the appropriate step and immediately resign]; county court judge Monica Guerrero; District Clerk Margaret Montemayor; Assistant D.A. Cliff Herberg; and probably dozens of other judges. San Antonio Express-News article excerpts: "Crooks In Black Robes" Michael Idrogo, as a public servant candidate for U.S. Congress, has taken the step to file a court case PETITION TO REMOVE Susan Reed and Monica Guerrero from office for their apparent involvement in the Southwest Airlines ticket scandal and seeking to present it to a jury for determination. "Instead of dumping these two.. the Bexar County Kangaroo Courts are trying every trick in the book, or that they can think of, to try and obstruct, corrupt, cover-up, and/or officially oppress against this.. Why it even appears that District Clerk Margaret Montemayor is playing tricks and flagging the D.A.'s office as soon as something new is filed against them. If they have nothing to hide, 'Why are they working so hard to prevent this from being presented to a jury?' " -- Michael Idrogo, Public Servant candidate for U.S. Congress. Apparently the TV and radio news media have been told not to report this nor make any mention. "There are rumors that the lead investigator in the Southwest Airlines ticket scandal used to work for Reed and that the investigation will be covered-up. I also have information about an apparent double homicide by a subordinate of Reed's that was/is apparently covered-up by Reed, the D.A.'s office, SAPD, the Sheriff, etc.. (apparently also because both Reed and the subordinate are said to be lesbian). And then there's a Federal judge who loves to beat up on prostitues until they're almost dead." Had anyone else done any of this.. they'd be in jail or under indictment long ago! |
Patriots: "To protect and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.." ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!
The local corrupt political machinery (and no, this doesn't mean Prado and company) have set their police on me to try and keep me from collecting petition signatures for U.S. Congressional candidacy.. [quick-time got it done anyway but they continue their harassment!..] apparently incumbent doesn't want any challengers unless they are only stooges. They have carried out police harassment (and Sheriff, judicial, and D.A. harassment), going on three years now. All other D.A., police, and Sheriff claims are completely false and fraudulent! They claim that I hit someone.. I never hit anyone -- I was being hit. (Surprise! Surprise, you've got egg on your face Monica! And here's more.. what I tried to tell you Monica on that first day you wouldn't let me speak, "Someone in incumbent's camp has intimindated my relatives and said that I must get off the ballot" -- apparently a misdemeanor to a felony; TX Election Code/TX Penal Code.) I have told Guerrero, Reed, Herberg, and Sheriff Lopez that their case has been VOID since day one! (Guerrero screwed up and forgot to assign or provide for an attorney at the proper time.) 02 C.D.O.S. 4307. ALABAMA, PETITIONER. v. LeREED SHELTON. No. 00-1214. Supreme Court of the United States. So what they're doing now.. including each and every policeman and/or deputy appears to be A FEDERAL CRIME; "Criminal Violation of Civil Rights Under Color Of State Law." Is incumbent directing all of this? ..if so, he's also liable for the same FEDERAL CRIME. (And the crime may also extend to anyone, ANYONE (reporters, etc) acting with them! |
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Endorsed by national organizations! Including listings with: CITIZENS AGAINST GOVERNMENT WASTE NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION FREE MARKET FOUNDATION CITIZENS FOR SOUND ECONOMY ![]() Commander Idrogo (veteran of foreign wars) on aircraft carrier USS AMERICA on a tour of duty in the combat zone of war-torn Yugoslavia. Pin-pointed Milosevic's chemical weapons production; one of the massive production plants was as big as Kelly Air Force Base! In the chemical accident in Bhopal, INDIA, within three days 8,000 people were killed; over 20,000 people died as a direct result of the disaster; and as many as 500,000 were adversely affected because of contamination which caused lingering health disorders and an ecological disaster -- MILOSEVIC'S CHEMICAL WEAPONS WERE FAR, FAR MORE LETHAL! ![]() FROM ONE WAR TO ANOTHER! We quickly left Yugoslavia and busted through the Suez Canal down to the other combat zone in the Horn of Africa to provide direct support to the Army after their "Blackhawk Down" incident in Mogadishu, Somalia! Commander Idrogo returned to a second tour of duty to the combat zone of war-torn Yugoslavia and provided direction as to how to quickly stop Milosevic's military; how to stop Milosevic; and how to destroy the chemical weapons production plants. When the plan was implemented.. Milosevic was waving the white flag demanding a cease-fire within three days! The plan was a success! ![]() GO NAVY! VIDEO: ![]() NAVY fighter jetskiing fly-by! ( Kids, don't try this at home!! ) (Watch this one FULL SCREEN!) ![]() 100,000 TONS OF DIPLOMACY! Our UNITED STATES NAVY.. ANYTIME! ..ANYWHERE!
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We may need these NAVY guys on the Rio Grande to keep the Mexican drug war from spilling into Texas!
![]() British Soldier quits over "Pointless" war in Afghanistan.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If the socialistic-unDEMOCRATIC PARTY types in Washington CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT of criticism.. .. they SHOULD GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN! Firefight in Afghanistan! GRAPHIC! ADULT LANGUAGE! Firefight in Afghanistan! GRAPHIC! ADULT LANGUAGE! ![]()
![]() N E W P A N A M A X coming soon? !! Michael supports building a SAN ANTONIO BARGE WATERWAY CANAL from the Texas intracoastal to San Antonio (for jobs)! It can coincide with the larger future PANAMA CANAL. Truck & rail traffic = $3 BILLION per year; inland water traffic = $100 BILLION per year! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() San Antonio to Victoria/Texas coast = 118 miles In comparison: Tulsa Port Navigation Project = 445 miles between Tulsa & Mississippi River linking to the nation’s 25,000-mile inland water transport system!! Put San Antonio on that system, and San Antonio will become the warm-water, WESTERN MOST point of that 25,000 mile inland water transport system! California, Denver, Austin, southwestern U.S., .. ![]() BUILD IT, AND THEY WILL COME!! Unlike a sports complex, that may only be used 3 hours for 15 days a year.. San Antonio River Barge Waterway will be utilized 24/7, 365 days a year! Linking to the nation’s multi-billion dollar revenue 25,000-mile inland water transport system!! SAN ANTONIO BARGE WATERWAY CANAL PROPOSAL
![]() ![]() ![]() In Italy, a canal waterway was built about the time of Columbus. It is still in use today, more than 500 years later. When it was built, it generated enourmous wealth for the area residents.. that many were able to build gigantic mansions! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Canale Piovego in Padova, Italy (Padova is the city of Saint Anthony; Saint Anthony of Padova is for whom San Antonio, Texas is named.) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The great cities of the world: - London - New York - Tokyo - Paris - Los Angeles - Singapore - San Francisco - Hamburg - Seattle - Rio - Rotterdam - Miami - Rome - Hong Kong - Etc. .. are all connected to the multi-trillion-dollar-per-year world maritime ocean commerce! And believe it or not; The Alamo is NOT the biggest tourist attraction in Texas.. .. the Texas Coast is the biggest tourist attraction in Texas!
![]() ![]() ( Vote LIBERTARIAN instead! ) ![]() ![]() ![]()
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![]() ![]() ![]() U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Health Bill will make economy worse!! ![]() ![]()
The only legacy the current local government administration deserves is THE LOSS of one of the most significant corporations known in the business world.. THE LOSS OF AT&T CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS.. is probably the single biggest loss this city has seen (after the loss of thousands of very-well-paying jobs of the former Kelly Air Force Base). San Antonio now is the largest, poorest city in the United States.. it used to be a Great city.. this is where Dwight D. Eisenhower (a FIVE-STAR general and America's 34th President), Douglas MacArthur, and the most famous aviator of all time.. Charles A. Lindbergh.. they all came to San Antonio to get their training! We can only blame local government for the poor shape that San Antonio is in right now! The candidates who are (fraudulently) "propped up" by the local "excuse for news".. are so busy patting themselves on the back.. it's a wonder they are not wearing a cast on their arm from breaking it.. from patting themselves on the back so much??!! I don't see that any of them have any LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE? What we need is a LEADER.. you don't learn LEADERSHIP by on the job training.. it takes years and years.. Vote Michael Idrogo, Navy commander veteran of foreign wars.. with decades of LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE. We need a leader, starting on day one.. in order to make San Antonio a Great city once again! PLEASE BE ADVISED!! --> Apparently two of the other candidates "report to" a long time political horse-trader (who was once indicted by a Federal Criminal Grand Jury)! Many voters would want to know if one of the other candidates is homosexual? One of the other candidates got money from suing the VIA bus company? POLL: 60% of voters for mayor want anyone other than Castro!An I.D. check has to be made when JULIAN CASTRO shows up for a campaign appearance; there has been a history of his twin brother filling in for him (to which the twin brother should have been charged with FRAUD and DECEPTION and have been removed from office)!
Mexico drug cartel thug says U.S. officials are on their payroll
2013: Mexico drug cartel may be influencing SA's elections
Play it safe! Vote for a real candidate instead! Vote Michael Idrogo!! 2017: U.S. Government says it's Columbian Drug Lords & Mexico drug cartels that Alleged corruption money man arrested by F.B.I. Records: Lawyer Billed as 'DWI Dude' Stole From Rebel Group ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Iran funding most all terrorism around the world! Intel: Iran Using Commercial Planes to Smuggle Weapons to Terrorists State Department Under Secretary: NO DOUBT Iran Continuing to Fund Terrorism VENEZUELA IS RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO COLUMBIA.. ( TERRORISM AGAINST THE UNITED STATES )
Play it safe! Vote for a real candidate instead! Vote Michael Idrogo!!
Saturday 14 February 2015
Michael Idrogo, candidate
OLIO CAPITALE EXHIBITION (Olive Oil) in collaboration with Fiera Trieste; Trieste, Italy (about 1 hour away from Venice; fly into Marco Polo airport in Venice).
Olio Capitale is the ideal stage to present the best in the world of the quality extra-virgin olive oils.
This exhibition will be held in Trieste (Italy) on March 6-9, 2009. In the previous edition: 165 exhibiting labels from many Italian cities, 113 extra virgin oil labels participating in the second contest Olio Capitale; 774 meeting with buyers from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary.
There are many parallel events: cooking courses, seminars on technical aspects of agronomy, talk shows, tasting sessions and competitions.
We kindly invite you to join this very interesting event and for this purpose we offer:
1) one-to-one business meetings based on an agenda previously appointed by the buyer among the exhibitors;
2) interpreter during the business meetings if required;
3) 2 nights - free hotel accommodation during the exhibition + breakfast;
4) transfer hotel/exhibition/hotel;
5) free entry to the exhibition;
6) EUR 500 ($730 average exchange rate) reimbursement for flight expenses.
Please contact Michael Idrogo below:
Michael Idrogo, candidate
".. Have served as a Navy commander and veteran of foreign wars."
"The City Manager has a $20,000 bonus per year. Most people in San Antonio do not even make $20,000 per year!"
"What we have here is a KLEPTOCRACY.. whereby those in power enrich themselves on the backs of the overall population."
"San Antonio is America's largest poorest city right now.. we need to change that."
"The other people up here are so busy patting themselves on the back.. it's a wonder they are not wearing a cast.. from breaking their arms.. due to patting themselves on the back so much?!"
"I will not claim to have all the answers.. elect Michael Idrogo and I will be your number one student.. teach me what we need to do to change San Antonio!"
"Have lived in Tokyo, the largest city in the world [35 million people], and Korea and others parts of the world. I have recently been in contact with an airline in east Asia that is very interested in initiating service to Texas. I have experience and knowledge on what needs to be done to improve San Antonio!"
"You're going to need someone who can provide leadership from day one. Leadership cannot be learned without many years of experience. None of the other candidates have that ability; however, I, Michael Idrogo, have over two decades experience in management and leadership as a Commissioned Officer of the United States. We need to make San Antonio a Great City once again!" America Without a Middle Class Elizabeth Warren Posted: December 3, 2009 10:00 AM America Without a Middle Class Can you imagine an America without a strong middle class? If you can, would it still be America as we know it? Today, one in five Americans is unemployed, underemployed or just plain out of work. One in nine families can't make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages is in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans is on food stamps. More than 120,000 families are filing for bankruptcy every month. The economic crisis has wiped more than $5 trillion from pensions and savings, has left family balance sheets upside down, and threatens to put ten million homeowners out on the street. Families have survived the ups and downs of economic booms and busts for a long time, but the fall-behind during the busts has gotten worse while the surge-ahead during the booms has stalled out. In the boom of the 1960s, for example, median family income jumped by 33% (adjusted for inflation). But the boom of the 2000s resulted in an almost-imperceptible 1.6% increase for the typical family. While Wall Street executives and others who owned lots of stock celebrated how good the recovery was for them, middle class families were left empty-handed. The crisis facing the middle class started more than a generation ago. Even as productivity rose, the wages of the average fully-employed male have been flat since the 1970s. But core expenses kept going up. By the early 2000s, families were spending twice as much (adjusted for inflation) on mortgages than they did a generation ago -- for a house that was, on average, only ten percent bigger and 25 years older. They also had to pay twice as much to hang on to their health insurance. To cope, millions of families put a second parent into the workforce. But higher housing and medical costs combined with new expenses for child care, the costs of a second car to get to work and higher taxes combined to squeeze families even harder. Even with two incomes, they tightened their belts. Families today spend less than they did a generation ago on food, clothing, furniture, appliances, and other flexible purchases -- but it hasn't been enough to save them. Today's families have spent all their income, have spent all their savings, and have gone into debt to pay for college, to cover serious medical problems, and just to stay afloat a little while longer. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. The contrast with the big banks could not be sharper. While the middle class has been caught in an economic vise, the financial industry that was supposed to serve them has prospered at their expense. Consumer banking -- selling debt to middle class families -- has been a gold mine. Boring banking has given way to creative banking, and the industry has generated tens of billions of dollars annually in fees made possible by deceptive and dangerous terms buried in the fine print of opaque, incomprehensible, and largely unregulated contracts. And when various forms of this creative banking triggered economic crisis, the banks went to Washington for a handout. All the while, top executives kept their jobs and retained their bonuses. Even though the tax dollars that supported the bailout came largely from middle class families -- from people already working hard to make ends meet -- the beneficiaries of those tax dollars are now lobbying Congress to preserve the rules that had let those huge banks feast off the middle class. Pundits talk about "populist rage" as a way to trivialize the anger and fear coursing through the middle class. But they have it wrong. Families understand with crystalline clarity that the rules they have played by are not the same rules that govern Wall Street. They understand that no American family is "too big to fail." They recognize that business models have shifted and that big banks are pulling out all the stops to squeeze families and boost revenues. They understand that their economic security is under assault and that leaving consumer debt effectively unregulated does not work. Families are ready for change. America today has plenty of rich and super-rich. But it has far more families who did all the right things, but who still have no real security. Going to college and finding a good job no longer guarantee economic safety. Paying for a child's education and setting aside enough for a decent retirement have become distant dreams. Tens of millions of once-secure middle class families now live paycheck to paycheck, watching as their debts pile up and worrying about whether a pink slip or a bad diagnosis will send them hurtling over an economic cliff. America without a strong middle class? Unthinkable, but the once-solid foundation is shaking. Elizabeth Warren is the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard and is currently the Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel.
"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to
Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving
Americans small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to
find they have Communism." -- Nikita Kruschev ![]() CONGRESSMEN ACTING LIKE BABIES!! VOTE LIBERTARIAN INSTEAD!!! GOP refuses to leave after Dems cut lights Congressmen protest blockage of oil drilling legislation: 'This is the people's House – this is not Pelosi's politburo' ![]() $700 BILLION.. "The mother of all HUSTLEs!! the history of the world!" -- Michael Idrogo, 2008 BLOOMBERG: U.S. Heading for Slump, With or Without Bailout BLOOMBERG: Lehman Is Subject of Three Grand Jury Probes After Largest-Ever Bankruptcy
![]() ![]() SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH.. Michael searching for bullets/bullet fragments with a metal detector in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas; where JFK was assassinated. |
Upon election, Michael Idrogo will support: U.S. Congressman from Texas Ron Paul's SENIOR CITIZENS TAX ELIMINATION ACT H.R. 180 |
Blackouts roll into Texas San Antonio Express-News, Tuesday 18 April 2006 |
High gas prices driving motorists to seek relief San Antonio Express-News, Wednesday 19 April 2006 |
No celebration over graduation rates San Antonio Express-News, Wednesday 19 April 2006 |
Homeowners Fighting Mad Over Tax Increase WOAI, Saturday 22 April 2006 |
.. there would be no TEXAS today! Vote LIBERTARIAN! - - - | - - - LIBERTY: 1 a : freedom from external (as governmental) restraint, compulsion, or interference in engaging in the pursuits or conduct of one's choice to the extent that they are lawful and not harmful to others |
The 1920s Great Depression was MAN-MADE! |
Professor Carroll Quigley of Harvard, Princeton, and Georgetown Universities wrote book disclosing internaitonal bankers' plan to control the world from behind the political and financial scenes. Quigley revealed plans of billionaires to establish dictatorship of the super-rich disguised as workers' democracies. |
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J.P. Morgan created artificial panic used as excuse to pass FEDERAL RESERVE Act. Morgan was instrumental in pushing U.S. into WWI to protect his loans to British government. He financed Socialist groups to create an all-powerful centralized government which international bankers would control at the apex from behind the scenes. After his death, his partners helped finance the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. |
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"Colonel" House (left) was front man for the international banking fraternity. He manipulated President Woodrow Wilson (right) like a puppet. Wilson called him "my alter ego." House played a major role in creating the FEDERAL RESERVE system, passing the graduated income tax, and getting America into WWI. House's influence over Wilson is an example that in the world of super-politics the real rulers are not the ones the public sees! |
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German born international financier Paul Warburg masterminded the establishment of the FEDERAL RESERVE to put control over nation's economy in hands of international bankers. The FEDERAL RESERVE controls the money supply which allows manipulators to create alternate cycles of BOOM and BUST, i.e., "a roller coaster economy." This allows those in the know to make fabulous amonts of money, but even more important, allows the INSIDERS to control the economy and further centralize power in the federal government. (The Warburgs also financed HITLER.) |
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Michael Idrogo believes we must definitely correct this! Vote Michael Idrogo (LIB) for U.S. Congress, District 35! |
![]() Cheap Mexican ports for Chinese goods to be rolled into the U.S. and Canada! -- That's what the NAFTA SHAFTA is really about! |
34 percent of residents in U.S. Congressional District 35 DO NOT HAVE A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! (Compared to 19% on a national average who lack a high school diploma) .. all this after years and years of having the congressional office tied up by lack of progressive change! |
Michael supports ENERGY FROM THORIUM and the THORIUM ENERGY INDEPENDENCE AND SECURITIES ACT. A much safer alternative, for the world, for the energy needs of tomorrow. For more info, please see.. |
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Today is (c) Copyright M. Idrogo, 1993-2018. All Rights Reserved. First Amendment Freedom of Speech & Right To Petition Government. - Placed on the ballot by thousands of voter petition signatures in 2004! - - Libertarian Party Nominee 2006, 2008, 2010! INDEPENDENT 2012. - - Libertarian Party candidate 2014, 2016! - - Vote Mike for U.S. Congress District 35! -
San Antonio was named on June 13, 1691 for Saint Anthony of Padova, Italy ( August 15, 1195 - June 13, 1251 ) ![]() LIVE camera image!: ![]()
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